Thanks for visiting my blog, full of several different topics and photos and hopefully inspiration and encouragement for all

8 December 2009

I haven't been blogging *NEARLY* enough!!

I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been feeling rather ill. No worries - I am doing everything I can to find out what's wrong and to get better. My inspiration has been up up up though! I still do my daily reads of abeautifulmess, Rachel Denbow and Freckled Nest. And when I have the hours and energy I have been writing a novel. Today I'm going to finish my wreath and some more headbands for my shop. I have a showcase on Christmas so be sure to pop online and have a looksee.

To blog more I'm going to try to blog each day the rest of this week with PHOTOS. All sorts of inspiration reflecting my mood and what I'm thinking about. Come back for more.