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4 October 2009

Off to Sunday School

I realise a lot of people are not part of any faith or religion or belief. However, I want to share this. I'm sure even if you aren't a Christian you remember going to Sunday School :)

Sunday School Shoes!
Socks With Lace Trim!


Panty Hose!
Oh to get dressed in my Sunday best!
Anyone else have memories of church?


ButterPeanut 04 October, 2009  

aaahhh, I totally had socks with lace trim!! Even when I was 5 years old, I wanted to wear my Sunday school outfit all day long on Sunday. I loved having a special thing to dress up for once a week.

At my Sunday school, on your birthday you'd get a little book with an illustrated Bible story. I'll **never** forget when I got "Ruth". Win!

Anonymous,  05 October, 2009  

Bus Bucks and the Christmas Store!!! Hahahahaha...

Anne Esquibel 05 October, 2009  

I remember Awana shares!!