Thanks for visiting my blog, full of several different topics and photos and hopefully inspiration and encouragement for all

5 October 2009

I'm loving October

I love to chill out and warm up with a hot white gingerbread choc!
I really love the place that serves both!
A good latte at work would be a nice surprise..
This reminds me of Indiana. Miss it.
Nom nom! Caramel Apples! Can't wait to make some with Mum!
And last but not least, I've been watching
..and been wishing I had a..

*sigh* someday. :) x


Caution/Lisa 05 October, 2009  

Hot white gingerbread chocolate? Just typing that makes me weak in the knees!

Anne Esquibel 06 October, 2009  

It's amazing, just be careful not to put too much white hot choc mixture or else it will be too sweet. I post a quick recipe later today for ya!


ps my security word veification was "REFLU" not a word but very well could be at my work with kids!