Thanks for visiting my blog, full of several different topics and photos and hopefully inspiration and encouragement for all

10 November 2008

You can stand under my umbrella ella ella hey hey hey..

Hello. It rained all day and all night last night. Me and dad still went down town, we dropped off our presc. meds and then went down town. He did some band stuff and I saw some really awesome chipbaord lettering at The Grafton. It was cool.

I discovered a hole in my armpit..not the nicest discovery ever. So I will go to the doctor. Maybe they can put me on drugs that heal me. Or something, because nothing under my arms is healing. HS can be difficult to figure out sometimes.

Anyway. I am super dooper sleepy right now, so I'm off. Tomorrow..lots of work! I have to list a bunch of things on e-bay. And do some pages for scrap booking and start looking for some more paper to reuse for some stuff. Yup yup.

Peace and love!!