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2 December 2008

Super fun weekend!!

Hello. I had an awesome weekend!! I spent it with my precious friend, Daniel Leigh. He really is becomming a huge inspiration to me. He never ceases to amaze me either! Super talented and so fun to hang out with.

Satuday night we watched a movie and talked all night. Talking is something we do a lot of. My parents could be watching a movie or tv in the living room and for a few hours me and Daniel will be at the kitchen table sipping coffee and talking or inspiring eachother in my office.

Sunday we had a thanksgiving dinner at church. And Sunday night we watched some documentaries. Of course he was super tired (I do wear him out sometimes) and was falling alseep.

Today we hung out and talked more hehe.

We talked a lot about the past. It's really strange. We both have changed a tonne through the years. Our life styles are so different from then. I think each year we bcome better and better assets to ourselves and others. Each year we have gotten closer and closer to eachother.

I'm not really sure how to describe our friendship. Other than we are friends. Family. We love eachother and have a need for eachother. I don't think I've ever felt for anyone the way I feel for Daniel.

Oh yeah and he's a rockstar too. Pictures tomorrow. ox